PPC ROI Pricing Answer a few questions below and get an estimate. PPC ROI Budget Estimation Category Particular PPC ROI Calculator Optimise your business campaign budget with our free tool Projected Monthly Spend Normally we recommend you start with a minimum of $1,000 for ad spend to begin with Expected CPC An average CPC (Cost Per Click) varies by each industry but can range on average from $2-$8. Target Conversion Rate (%) A great, campaign will generate anywhere from 10-15% conversion rate. Average Sales Price The average amount a customer normally spends with you. Lead to Customer Rate (%) When a new lead comes in, how many normally close? Most services close 20-30% while an e-commerce store close 1-3%. To continue using enter your details First Name* First Name is required Email* Email is required Phone Number* Phone Number is required Digital Marketing to Make Your Greatest Impact. emphasizes the transformative potential of digital marketing in achieving significant business outcomes. If you need further assistance with expanding on this message or incorporating it into your materials, feel free to ask! Get Your Order UCFER Group 998HOST.com UCFER.in DialMart.net V3Spiders.com AccountsFinder.com